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Patience is A Key To Tasting Coffee

Patience is A Key To Tasting Coffee

The key to enjoying what specialty coffee has to offer is something we all need work on, patience. Waiting for the coffee to cool down so we can start to detect the different flavor offerings that coffee bean has

When you finish brewing your coffee enjoy the aroma of the coffee, try to detect and describe what you're smelling. It's not wrong to start drinking/slurping the coffee but in the beginning all you'll really get is bitterness.

122° degrees to 87° is where the magic happens. Although the aroma will begin to disappear, so will the bitterness.
Replacing it are the tastes like sweetness (plum) and acidity (juicy green apple). Not only do the tastes kick in but the flavor notes of the bean you choose do as well. Fruity, floral, herbal, nutty, etc.

I love coffee because it's so complex and there's so much to learn.
I want to share all this information with you know so you don't have to go through a larger learning curve than I did.

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